R E A D Y   M E A L
A meal that has been partly or completely cooked or before that it can be quickly heated up later.
F R O Z E N   S E A F O O D
Food preserved by a freezing and stored in a freezer before cooking. It is preserved from the it is prepared to the time it is eaten.
V A L U E   A D D E D  
S E A F O O D   V E G G E T A B L E S
Plastic bottles are made from Polyethylene Terephthalate pellets (PET Resin) featuring qualities superior to other types of plastic plastic and pellets.
F L E X I B L E   P A C K A G I N G
Is made from plastic film with additional printing and coating for higher quality.
P E T   B O T T L E S
Plastic bottles are made from Polyethylene Terephthalate pellets (PET Resin) featuring qualities superior to other types of plastic plastic and pellets.
Starting out from a small goal but determined to bring great joy to everyone, we never stop coming up with inventions and improvements in order to become the future leader of the plastic packaging industry.