Investor relations is a part of communicating information to the public. To create clear, precise understanding and is beneficial to investors at the same time, investors can use the "IR" channel to learn more information from the company.
Stock Price
The information disclosed in the important share price of the Company. And data volume buy - sell.Movement and change of stock price The latest price of GLOBAL CONSUMER Public Company Limited.
Financial Highlights
Presented and calculated from the consolidated statement and displayed as cumulative quarterly statement fiscal year.

Annual summary / Update : Quarter 3/2024

General Meeting of Shareholders
Guidelines and application forms for the conference in advance of the AGM, The Nomination, agenda, etc.of GLOBAL CONSUMER Public Company Limited.
IR Calendar
Investor calendar shows events, activities that will occur on various days. You can follow us.
Investor Kits
This is a part of important information gathering for investors. You can easily find the documents you need. You can choose to download only one document at a time, or download multiple documents. It can be done easily. Just click on the desired title box. Then click the download button.

* หมายเหตุ : ไฟล์เอกสารทั้งหมดเป็นข้อมูลล่าสุด